Current Goal: I will get my red pixel rom working on a physical Gameboy Advance
var red: u16 = 0x001F;
var y: u8 = 10;
while (y < 60) : (y += 1) {
VRAM[y * 240 + 30] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 31] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 32] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 50] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 51] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 52] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 80] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 81] = red;
VRAM[y * 240 + 82] = red;
var x: u16 = 0;
while (x < 20) : (x += 1) {
VRAM[30 * 240 + 30 + x] = red;
VRAM[31 * 240 + 30 + x] = red;
VRAM[32 * 240 + 30 + x] = red;
VRAM[10 * 240 + 70 + x] = red;
VRAM[11 * 240 + 70 + x] = red;
VRAM[12 * 240 + 70 + x] = red;
VRAM[58 * 240 + 70 + x] = red;
VRAM[59 * 240 + 70 + x] = red;
VRAM[60 * 240 + 70 + x] = red;
while (true) {
A really nice feature of Zig is how we can define the code that updates the loop conditional variable up the top with the while statement. For simple loops like this it is super clean and obvious what is going on. I like this.
var y: u8 = 10;
while (y < 60) : (y += 1) {
The first block just draws the 3 vertical lines into VRAM. The second block draws the horizontal lines. The only different you will notice is we have defined the x variable as a u16, and not as a u8. This is because if we try to make it a u8 it won't compile.
$ zig build
./src/main.zig:124:23: error: integer value 2420 cannot be coerced to type 'u8'
VRAM[10 * 240 + 20 + x] = red;
Zig checks for us that the values our expressions produce fit into the types we are using. By making it a u16 we have more than enough room for the expression. Anyway, the end result is as follows.
Perfection. So now i want to move on to getting some input from the user. This will need a bit more reading from registers etc, and then we will move to displaying a sprite, which will be using different display modes.
New Goal: I will respond to the user pressing a button