04/08/22 - Part 2
New Goal: I will respond to the user pressing a button
GBA Keypad Input
The built-in GBA gamepad has 4 direction keys, and 6 buttons.
4000130h - KEYINPUT - Key Status (R)
Bit Expl.
0 Button A
1 Button B
2 Select
3 Start
4 Right
5 Left
6 Up
7 Down
8 Button R
9 Button L
10-15 Not used
So to check if, for example, the left d-pad is pressed, we read the 16 bit value at 4000130, and check if the 6th bit is toggled or not. I updated the HI drawing code to draw from an x/y reference position. The process we then want is to check if the left d-pad button is toggled, and if it is we want to update the x position. We map the register to a pointer first.
pub const REG_KEY = @intToPtr(*volatile u16, @ptrToInt(MEM_IO) + 0x0130);
And then in our update loop we check the pointer as follows.
if (REG_KEY.* & (0x1 << 5) != 0) {
xpos = xpos - 1;
If the bitwise AND of the register and the value 00000000001000000 is not zero, then the button is pressed. Simple, lets give it a run.
var keyValues: u16 = REG_KEY.*;
if (~keyValues & (0x1 << 5) != 0) {
xpos = xpos - 1;
New Goal: I will draw a sprite from the sprite memory.